Glen, Australia

Glen, Australia

Today I go to Brasov, Nico. Thank you soooo much for making my 3 weeks in Sibiu such fun and so interesting. I shall definitely return, though it will not be this year. Hope you had a good 2 days away with nice people. You will be very tired, I know. I'm off on the 1pm bus, and am being met in Brasov. After 3 weeks I go with friends to the Delta for a few days and then I return to my "home" in Kathmandu, Nepal. Stay in touch please. I want to hear where you have been and how happy you are. Love Glen
Sibiu Guide Nico
Today I go to Brasov, Nico. Thank you soooo much for making my 3 weeks in Sibiu such fun and so interesting. I shall definitely return, though it will not be this year. Hope you had a good 2 days away with nice people. You will be very tired, I know. I'm off on the 1pm bus, and am being met in Brasov. After 3 weeks I go with friends to the Delta for a few days and then I return to my "home" in Kathmandu, Nepal. Stay in touch please. I want to hear where you have been and how happy you are. Love Glen